At Wind River Community and Family and Community Healthcare, we are dedicated to providing gold standard obstetrical (OB) services to support women during every stage of their pregnancy and childbirth journey. Our OB services have been designed to cater to the unique needs and concerns of every patient. We offer a wide range of services, including prenatal care, ultrasounds, fetal monitoring, genetic testing, and personalized pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding, and newborn education. Our physicians deliver at the Lander SageWest hospital. We provide prenatal care at all three of our clinics. 

Our team of experienced OB providers consists of Dr. Gibbons, Dr. Graf, Dr. Harbaugh, and Dr. Jolley (please see their individual profiles for more information). We are committed to delivering personalized care to each patient. We take the time to listen to every patient’s concerns, answer their questions, and address any issues they may be facing throughout their pregnancy. This not only includes pregnancy complications themselves, but full primary care services: health maintenance, such as pap smears, diabetes management, addiction/substance use management, mental health management and support, or any other chronic medical conditions. Our providers work closely with patients to develop a pregnancy care plan that is tailored to their specific needs. Our goal is to optimize expectant mothers’ physical and mental health to set her and her developing baby up for success. Through our extended team of healthcare providers we can provide specialized nursing support throughout pregnancy, involve our stellar pediatricians before delivery when needed, connect patients to therapists, and ensure referrals to outside specialists for high risk conditions. 

We are a safe place for patients suffering from addiction. We can support patients with multidisciplinary approach including therapists, medications and/or connecting with intensive outpatient or inpatient rehab facilities. Our ultimate goal is always to keep children safely with their mothers. 

We understand that the postpartum period can be challenging for new mothers. That’s why we continue to offer comprehensive postpartum care to help mothers with breastfeeding support, follow-up appointments, birth control options, and emotional wellness. We want every mother to feel supported and empowered during this critical time in their life. 

At Wind River Family and Community Healthcare, we believe that every woman deserves high-quality and compassionate OB care. We are committed to providing our patients with the best possible care and support as they embark on this exciting and transformative journey.