Occupational Therapy

Occupational Therapy

Occupational therapy services here at WInd RIver Family and Community Health Care seek to empower the individual to reclaim their independence and optimize their function. Emphasizing personalized care, our focus is providing quality services that are unique to the individual in order to help them achieve their goals, overcome challenges, and improve quality of life.

Therapy Department Hours of Operation:

Monday-Friday, 8:00-4:45

What Is Occupational Therapy

Occupational therapy is a client based, holistic rehabilitative therapy that is focused on helping people regain independence within their daily activities and improve quality of life. It incorporates various factors including physical, cognitive, emotional, spiritual, psychosocial, environmental, visual, and sensory into treatment. Approaches to treatment can be focused on adaptation and compensation, while others can be focused on regaining strength, endurance, or functional ability. Occupational therapy services at WRC are available to both pediatrics and adult clientele.

Occupational Therapy Services at WRC:

Pediatric OT services focused on incorporating developmental skills, sensory integration, and training of daily activities through a child’s main occupation, play. Services that are offered to our pediatric clients include:

• Neuro-based services for pediatrics with functional limitations due to a history of CVA, SCI, TBI

• ADL training (training within toileting, grooming/hygiene, oral care, dressing)

• Developmental delay

• Gross motor functioning (balance, trunk stability, functional mobility

• Fine motor functioning (deficits within strength, dexterity, coordination of fingers/hands)

• Sensory integration

• Emotional regulation and sensory diet implementation for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder

• Time management, organizational and planning skills for children with Attention Deficit Disorder