In response to the diabetes epidemic among AI/AN people, Congress established the Special Diabetes Program for Indians in 1997. The SDPI provides funds for diabetes prevention and treatment services to IHS, Tribal, and Urban communities across the United State. As a result, AI/AN communities now have much needed programs and increased access to quality diabetes care.
The Wind River Cares Diabetes Awareness Program offers three services for current diabetic clients.
A participant is anyone who has been diagnosed with Diabetes Type 1 or Type 2 and applies for services through the Wind River Cares Diabetes Awareness Program (WRCDAP). Participants are eligible for assistance with eyeglasses, podiatry and dentistry. Eligibility Requirements:
Letter from primary care provider stating diabetes diagnosis.
Tribal ID or Certificate of Indian Blood (CIB) with photo ID
Completed Registration/Screening form
Contact information and office hours are:
Monday – Friday: 8:00a.m. – 4:45p.m.
Phone number is: (307) 332-8035