Diabetes – SDPI

Diabetes - SDPI

In response to the diabetes epidemic among AI/AN people, Congress established the Special Diabetes Program for Indians in 1997. The SDPI provides funds for diabetes prevention and treatment services to IHS, Tribal, and Urban communities across the United State. As a result, AI/AN communities now have much needed programs and increased access to quality diabetes care. 

The Wind River Cares Diabetes Awareness Program offers three services for current diabetic clients. 

A participant is anyone who has been diagnosed with Diabetes Type 1 or Type 2 and applies for services through the Wind River Cares Diabetes Awareness Program (WRCDAP). Participants are eligible for assistance with eyeglasses, podiatry and dentistry. Eligibility Requirements: 

Letter from primary care provider stating diabetes diagnosis. 

Tribal ID or Certificate of Indian Blood (CIB) with photo ID 

Completed Registration/Screening form 


Services: Prescription eyeglasses assistance Requirements:

Register/Active participant as described in I. above. Current prescription from Optometrist Upon meeting all eligibility requirements listed hereunder, WRCDAP will provide financial assistance up to $175 towards the purchase of prescription eyeglasses from an approved vendor. Any amount over the $175 award will be the responsibility of the participant. Award letters will be granted and a copy will be provided to each participant for verification of eligibility from WRCDAP.

Once WRCDAP has issued payment to the eyeglass vendor, participants have 30 days to pay any remaining balance owed to the eyeglass vendor. Should participant fail to pay remaining balance, participant’s active status will be closed and the next eligible participant will be served. Participants understand that the ordering process can take up to 6 weeks to receive their ordered product. Due to budgetary constraints only a limited number of participants can receive eyeglasses per fiscal year. Number of participants for eyeglass services may vary based on the fiscal year. Participants are allowed (1) purchase per year for eyeglasses and due to budgetary constraints may or may not receive eyeglasses in subsequent year(s). An exemption would be if participants' prescriptions change due to management of their diabetes. All exemptions will be at the discretion of the Diabetes Coordinator.

Contact information and office hours are:
Monday – Friday: 8:00a.m. – 4:45p.m.
Phone number is: (307) 332-8035